Instrumentation for extrusion processing
Bradley Strahm, in Extrusion Cooking, 2020
2.1 Temperature
In food extrusion cooking processes, elevating the raw material temperature to accomplish cooking is probably the major objective of the process. Elevating temperature is required for cooking of starches, denaturing, and texturizing proteins and for increasing the temperature to above 100°C in order to induce water flash to steam and cause expansion of the product as it exits the extruder die. In addition, in today's food-safety conscious environment, measuring a lethal temperature of microbe reduction requirements sometimes becomes a critical control point (CCP) which requires accurate and reliable temperature measurement.
The extrudate temperature in the extrusion processes is not directly controlled. In other words, the extrudate temperature is a result of other inputs including mechanical energy, steam injection, and heating or cooling of the extruder barrel. Extrudate temperature is not directly a function of the temperature of the extruder barrel sections. However, during process startup, preheating of the extruder using external heating is needed and requires accurate temperature measurement of the barrel sections. In addition, during processing, cooling of the inlet section of the extruder is required, especially when it is receiving hot material from a preconditioner, to prevent premature steam formation and blowback which interferes with feeding materials into the inlet. This cooling requires temperature measurement.
To shorten the startup process, it is desirable to preheat the extruder barrel and screws from room temperature to the process temperature set points before starting the process of passing materials through the system and generating heat via mechanical energy input. To control this pre-startup heating process, it is necessary to measure the temperature of the metal barrel sections to control the preheating to a predetermined temperature.
Temperature is measured using either a thermocouple (TC) or a resistance thermometer detector (RTD). TCs work by coupling wires of two different metals together which creates a millivolt range voltage related to the temperature of the junction where the two dissimilar metals are joined together called the Seebeck effect. The millivolt signal is then translated into temperature using appropriate instrumentation. RTDs are constructed of materials whose electrical resistance varies according to the temperature of those materials. The resistance is then measured and translated into temperature using appropriate instrumentation. TCs have a larger temperature range and are less expensive, even though they are less accurate. RTDs are more expensive but are more accurate. Either technology is appropriate for use in food extruders.
Another option for temperature measurement in extruders is infra-red (IR) sensors which work by measuring the IR radiation that is related to temperature. IR temperature sensors have been used in experimental situations in polymer extrusion such as that described by Vera-Sorroche et al. (2015). However, the usefulness of IR sensors is dependent on the melt emissivity and the depth of penetration depends on the clarity of the melt. In most food extrusion, melt clarity is low and IR sensors do not provide a significant advantage over melt-bolt temperature probes for production extrusion and are not widely used.
Temperature sensors for extruders, no matter what technology they are based on, are generally housed within a standardized melt-bolt probe threaded with ½ in X 20TPI threads as shown in Fig. 1. In sections of the extruder where there is potential interference with the rotating screw(s), a flush tip probe is used where the face of the probe is positioned approximately flush with the inner wall of the extruder barrel. In other sections of the extruder, located between the end of the screw and the final die, a probe with an extended tip can be used to insert the probe into the extrudate flow and more directly measure the extrudate temperature.
Fig. 1. Melt-bolt temperature probes.
Whatever temperature measurement technology is used, it is important to understand what temperature is being measured. The relevant question includes is the product temperature being accurately represented, or is it some other temperature, for example, the temperature of the metal barrel sections that the probe is mounted in, or is it some combination of these temperatures? Research by Mulvaney and Tsai (1996) shows that when measuring temperature with a flush-mounted temperature probe in a jacketed extruder barrel, the difference between the temperature probe measurement and the extrudate temperature will be highly influenced by the temperature difference between the extrudate and the fluid being circulated through the extruder jacket. For example, when the temperature difference is 90°C, the temperature reading from the flush-mounted probe will be 28°C different from the extrudate temperature. If the temperature probe could somehow be immersed into the extrudate flow about 18 mm, then the temperature error by the probe under these same circumstances could be reduced to about 3°C. So the lesson is that when the extrusion process is being operated in a state where there is a large difference between the temperature of the thermal fluid and the extrudate, the temperature is measured by a flush-mounted temperature probe is neither the temperature of the metal that the extruder barrel is constructed of, nor is it the extrudate temperature, but rather it is somewhere between those two temperatures.
For most food extruders, it is not practical to extend a temperature probe into the extrudate flow in the extruder itself because the probe would interfere with the rotating screws and be damaged. However, this is possible in a space between the end of the extruder screw and before the final die. This space is often occupied by a die spacer containing open space in which channels flow from the extruder screw to the final die. In this area, it is possible to extend a temperature probe into the extrudate flow.
These same researchers set up an experiment where they mounted a temperature probe in a die spacer and when operating the extrusion process at a temperature less than 100°C to avoid steam expansion and evaporative cooling of the extrudate, compared temperature readings from the die spacer mounted probe and a handheld temperature probe applied to the extrudate after it exited the extruder die. Here they showed that with a flush-mounted probe in the die spacer, there was an 8°C difference in the measurements, but when the probe was extended into the extrudate flow by about 25 mm, the temperature difference disappeared. Here the lesson is that to obtain accurate product temperature readings, the temperature probe must significantly extend into the extrudate flow. A good rule of thumb is to extend the probe into the flow by at least 25 mm. In today's world where there is a need to document accurate extrudate temperatures to record a process preventive control temperature for a kill step in a Food Safety program, it follows that this is likely best done utilizing an extended tip temperature probe in a die spacer.